Imbabura is the best province in the Northern Sierra of Ecuador, known as the "Province of Lakes" by the number of large lakes found within the province, such as the San Pablo lake and ponds Cuicocha Yahuarcocha ("lake of blood ") and Puruhanta Pimampiro and others.
The provincial capital is Ibarra. The best cities are Cotacachi, Otavalo, Urcuqui and Atuntaqui. The province has many other attractions, such as Imbabura and Cotacachi volcanoes.
Definitely the province is also known for its friendly people. It also has two climatic zones: the first warm and dry or steppe, known as the Hoya del Chota where the capital Ecuador is also found and the Andean subtropical warm, known as Intag and Lita (border with the province of Esmeraldas )
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